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Making recombinant DNA molecules

Making recombinant DNA molecules
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Description: Plasmid vectors Human DNA EcoRl EcoRl EcoRl EcoRl # EcoRl EcoRl EcoRl Digest . _ with Digest wuth EcoRl. EcoRl. x? Identical, / \ complementary / ‘ t k d / \ \ 5 IC yen s x \ '3' s'm‘ S'W-Ea' ‘5' Th 3'_e._—CTTAA5' Combine fragments. Recombinant Nonrecombinant plasmids vector A A T T C _ G if 10 '''' fl DNA ligase { DNA ligase catalyzes phosphodiester bond formation l l between 5' phosphate and 3’ hydroxyl groups.
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Filesize: 364.03kB
Height: 1863 Width: 1146
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=49345
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