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Amplification of recombinant DNA molecules in bacteria

Amplification of recombinant DNA molecules in bacteria
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Description: Recombinant plasmids “Am a Transformation into E. coli and 1 selection on ampldllin<ontaining _ E medium. Plasmids enter only Bacterial l about 1 in 1000 cells, sothe genome g probability of a cell haying two E. coli cell L'! 'depe'flwlde'_'}£'§‘fl'95§19f- “Baal;5656655r;'sinbririééfi'bfiflédiétiohédeWW‘ Each colony consists of 106 - 108 genetically identical bacteria, descended from a single transformed = bacterium. WWWMMMJ
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=49349
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