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Replication and compaction of chromosomes into pairs of sister chromatids.

Replication and compaction of chromosomes into pairs of sister chromatids.
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Description: (a) Chromosomal replication producing a pair of sister chromatids. While the chromosomes are elongated, they are replicated to produce two copies that are connected and lie parallel. This is a pair of sister chromatids. Later, when the cell is preparing to divide, the sister chromatids condense into more compact structures that are easily seen with a light microscope. (b) A schematic drawing of a metaphase chromosome. This structure has two chromatids that lie side by side. The two chromatids are held together by cohesion proteins in their centromere region.
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Views: 1880
Filesize: 95.66kB
Height: 697 Width: 850
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=497
Keywords: Replication and compaction of chromosomes into pairs of sister chromatids. 
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