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The formation of gametes by the process of meiosis is known as gametogenesis.

The formation of gametes by the process of meiosis is known as gametogenesis.
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Description: The formation of gametes by the process of meiosis is known as gametogenesis. (A) Spermatogenesis. One spermatogonium gives rise to four spermatozoa. (B) Oogenesis. From each oogonium, one mature ovum and three abortive cells are produced. The chromosomes are reduced to one-half the number characteristic for the general body cells of the species. In humans, the number in the body cells is 46, and that in the mature spermatozoon and secondary oocyte is 23.
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Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=69
Keywords: The formation of gametes by the process of meiosis is known as gametogenesis.  
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