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Strawberry Image From a Scanning Electron Microscope

Strawberry Image From a Scanning Electron Microscope
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Description: he strawberry is a member of the Rosaceae family, the same as the common rose.  This image from a scanning electron microscope clearly reveals the seeds-and hairlike strands-on the berry’s surface. Strawberries are known as accessory fruits because they are not derived exclusively from the plant’s ovaries-the seeds are the actual “fruit.”

Strawberries have plenty of health benefits when consumed, but they can also help with hygiene. A crushed strawberry mixed with baking soda can whiten teeth, thanks to the stain-fighting effects of the fruit’s malic acid.
Picture Stats:
Views: 1489
Filesize: 151.4kB
Height: 373 Width: 620
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=8817
Keywords: Strawberry Image From a Scanning Electron Microscope 
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