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Scorpions, Spiders and Sharks: Electron-Microscope Images

Scorpions, Spiders and Sharks: Electron-Microscope Images
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Description: Solitary Bee

The American Museum of Natural History houses perhaps the most complete collection of bee eggs, larvae and pupae in the world. The image above is of the larva of a ground-nesting solitary bee from Turkey. This is the last instar larval stage, which describes the times between each molt (after an insect sheds its exoskeleton in order to grow) until the insect reaches sexual maturity.
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Views: 4280
Filesize: 109.94kB
Height: 495 Width: 660
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=9238
Keywords: the larva of a ground-nesting solitary bee from Turkey 
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