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Scorpions, Spiders and Sharks: Electron-Microscope Images

Scorpions, Spiders and Sharks: Electron-Microscope Images
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Description: Cleptoparasitic Bee

The mature bee larva pictured above is from a species that attacks the larvae of other bee species, removes them from the nest, and takes their place to be raised by the unknowing host mother. This behavior is known as cleptoparasitism. The species pictured here, known as Stelis ater, was almost entirely unknown before a study was published
Picture Stats:
Views: 883
Filesize: 92.96kB
Height: 492 Width: 660
Source: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=9251
Keywords: Cleptoparasitic Bee 
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