Question List for "Calculus: A Complete Course"

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Calculus » If F = x i + y j, calculate the flux of F upward through the part of the surface z = 4 - x2 - y2 ... New
Started by neverstopbelieb
23 May 27, 2021
Calculus » Find the surface area of the part of the cylinder x2 + y2 = 2y that lies in the first octant and ... New
Started by saliriagwu
57 May 27, 2021
Calculus » Verify that the vector field F = (2xy2z2 - sin(x)sin(y)) i + (2x2yz2 + cos(x)cos(y)) j + (2x2y2z + ... New
Started by dejastew
15 May 27, 2021
Calculus » Compute the divergence for the vector field F = (xy + xz) i + (yz + yx) j + (zx + zy) k. New
Started by Engineer
16 May 27, 2021
Calculus » True or False: F = F for any sufficiently smooth vector field F. New
Started by V@ndy87
18 May 27, 2021
Calculus » Find the flux of F = x i + 2y j out of the circular disk of radius 2 centred at (3, -5). New
Started by MirandaLo
35 May 27, 2021
Calculus » Compute curl F for F = (x - z) i + (y - x) j + (z - y) k. New
Started by frankwu
16 May 27, 2021
Calculus » Use Green's Theorem to compute the integral clockwise around the circle of radius 3 centred at the origin. New
Started by P68T
23 May 27, 2021
Calculus » Find the flux of F = xi + yj + zk upward through the hemisphere x2 + y2 + z2 = 1, z 0. New
Started by casperchen82
23 May 27, 2021
Calculus » Verify that the vector field F = x2 i + (1 - xy) j - xz k is solenoidal, and find a vector potential ... New
Started by skymedlock
18 May 27, 2021