Foundations and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education
4th Edition
Author(s): Follari
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Sample Questions
  • When Waldorf education was created, four things were "must haves" by its founder; points that served ...
  • Waldorf early childhood experiences are designed to develop strong intellect through all of the ...
  • Steiner believed that the young child's energies naturally focused on:
  • What does the practice of looping involve?
  • What method of assessment do Waldorf teachers use?
  • Waldorf early childhood teachers emphasize what method as a primary means of instruction?
  • What does the Waldorf philosophy claim is the primary means through which young children learn?
  • First and foremost, Waldorf early childhood classrooms seek to create:
  • To maintain the classroom tone, what do Waldorf teachers use?
  • First and foremost, Waldorf early childhood teachers serve as:
  • Of the program's overall view of how children grow, which of the following is NOT part of their beliefs?
  • Montessori believed the following are driving forces in children's development, EXCEPT:
  • During the influential earliest years (birth to 7), what does Steiner value as an essential task of ...
  • What is the goal of Waldorf education?
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