Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice that Enhance Student Learning and Motivation
7th Edition
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Sample Questions
- (True or false?) When writing multiple-choice items, distractors should be plausible.
- (More or less?) Multiple-choice items have more or less diagnostic power than binary-choice items.
- (True or false?) Standards-based grading provides meaningful feedback to students and parents.
- (True or false?) Standards-based grading typically does not lead students to take ownership for ...
- (True or false?) The language in an individual standard indicates what the student should be able to do.
- Identify whether the statement is an example of an individual student-referenced, a norm-referenced, ...
- (More or less?) Binary-choice items are typically more or less reliable than multiple-choice items.
- (True or false?) There is no single correct procedure or set of rules that standardize professional ...
- (True or false?) Using standards-based comparisons when grading fosters a growth mindset rather than ...
- Identify whether the statement is an example of an individual student-referenced, a norm-referenced, ...
- (True or false?) It has been shown that giving feedback that is very general can have positive ...
- Identify whether the statement is an example of an individual student-referenced, a norm-referenced, ...
- Identify whether the statement is an example of an individual student-referenced, a norm-referenced, ...
- (True or false?) There are many different special group norms derived from subgroups of the national sample.
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