Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education
11th Edition
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Sample Questions
- Which of the following is NOT true of learned helplessness and outer-directedness?
- Which of the following statements about discrete trial training is incorrect?
- The ability to clearly distinguish forms or discriminate details at a specified distance is called ________.
- Imagine you are a teacher and the prereferral team has asked you to complete a before and after ...
- All of the following are research-based principles of early reading instruction EXCEPT________.
- Which is the common clause that appears in each IDEA definition?
- Work activity centers provide all of the following except ________.
- Explain the important components for an instructional program for Tess, a fourth grader with severe ...
- Provide a task analysis for either tying a shoe or making a peanut butter sandwich. Assume the shoe ...
- Mrs. Torrez has been informed that Victoria, a new student with low vision, is being placed in her ...
- Activities to improve the listening skills of students with hearing loss ________.
- A term used to describe multiple disabilities, deaf-blindness and traumatic brain injury is ________.
- Which of the following exemplifies learned helplessness?
- Which of the following statements about sheltered employment is TRUE?
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