Author Question: There they go again, all those know-nothing would-be censors who don't want the rest of us to see ... (Read 42 times)


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There they go again, all those know-nothing would-be censors who don't want the rest of
  us to see anything but Disney cartoons.

  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

The filth on the Internet is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
  What will be an ideal response?


  • Sr. Member
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  • Posts: 312
Answer to Question 1

Now they're taking on the Internet, the last
bastion of free speech. And once again, they're hiding behind the innocent little children,
just like they always do. They ban marijuana, and they say it's for the children. The
want to ban tobacco, and they say it's for the children. Well, if they really cared for the
children they'd be rescuing homeless children out on the streets or in shelters.

Answer to Question 2

Anyone with half a
brain knows how dangerous it is, and anyone who thinks we shouldn't ban it is in favor of
letting any kid with a modem have access to that garbage. I'm sick and tired of all these
cyberspace pornographers hiding behind the first amendment. Pictures aren't speech,
and the Internet isn't the press. Besides, once you let that filth on a computer monitor,
the next thing you know it will be on television. It's already there on cable, isn't it? Can
network television be far behind?

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