Answer to Question 1
A Incorrect. If a mother of an 8-month-old infant tells the nurse the baby nurses well but doesn't eat baby cereal or other baby food, the nurse would not advise the mother to not worry, as this is perfectly normal with a breastfed baby.
B Incorrect. If a mother of an 8-month-old infant tells the nurse the baby nurses well but doesn't eat baby cereal or other baby food, the nurse would not advise the mother to remove the breast halfway through the feeding, give semisolid foods, then resume breastfeeding.
C Correct. If a mother of an 8-month-old infant tells the nurse the baby nurses well but doesn't eat baby cereal or other baby food, the nurse would not advise the mother to feed the baby the baby food when the infant is hungry and follow this with breastfeeding.
D Incorrect. If a mother of an 8-month-old infant tells the nurse the baby nurses well but doesn't eat baby cereal or other baby food, the nurse would not advise the mother to gradually decrease breastfeeding in number and length of time until the baby is eating sufficient baby food and cereal.
Answer to Question 2
A Incorrect. Acute rheumatic fever does not follow chickenpox.
B Incorrect. Acute rheumatic fever does not follow an untreated or partially treated staphylococcal skin lesion or infection.
C Correct. Acute rheumatic fever follows an untreated or partially treated group A streptococcal pharyngitis. Although group A streptococci can produce infection in any body tissue, rheumatic fever will only follow a throat infection. It has never been identified subsequent to a group A streptoccoci skin infection (impetigo).
D Incorrect. Acute rheumatic fever does not follow rubella.