Answer to Question 1
Variability, or rhythmic changes, in the baseline fetal heart rate is a reassuring indicator of a supportive intrauterine environment and indicates a positive fetal condition. Decreased oxygenation of the placenta, fetal distress in utero, and pressure on the umbilical cord are a negative condition.
Answer to Question 2
1. The 28-week infant on oxygen weighing 1400 g has the highest risk of retinopathy of prema-turity because of gestational age (28 weeks or less), weight (less than 1500 g), and oxygen thera-py. The other neonates have fewer risk factors.
2. The 28-week infant on oxygen weighing 1400 g has the highest risk of retinopathy of prema-turity because of gestational age (28 weeks or less), weight (less than 1500 g), and oxygen thera-py. The other neonates have fewer risk factors.
3. The 28-week infant on oxygen weighing 1400 g has the highest risk of retinopathy of prema-turity because of gestational age (28 weeks or less), weight (less than 1500 g), and oxygen thera-py. The other neonates have fewer risk factors.
4. The 28-week infant on oxygen weighing 1400 g has the highest risk of retinopathy of prema-turity because of gestational age (28 weeks or less), weight (less than 1500 g), and oxygen thera-py. The other neonates have fewer risk factors.