Answer to Question 1
1. Monthly Number of Orders Cost of Current System
300,000 1,000,000 + 45(300,000) = 14,500,000
400,000 1,000,000 + 45(400,000) = 19,000,000
500,000 1,000,000 + 45(500,000) = 23,500,000
600,000 1,000,000 + 45(600,000) = 28,000,000
700,000 1,000,000 + 45(700,000) = 32,500,000
Monthly Number of Orders Cost of Partially Automated System
300,000 5,000,000 + 35(300,000) = 15,500,000
400,000 5,000,000 + 35(400,000) = 19,000,000
500,000 5,000,000 + 35 (500,000) = 22,500,000
600,000 5,000,000 + 35 (600,000) = 26,000,000
700,000 5,000,000 + 35 (700,000) = 29,500,000
Monthly Number of Orders Cost of Fully Automated System
300,000 11,000,000 + 20(300,000) = 17,000,000
400,000 11,000,000 + 20(400,000) = 19,000,000
500,000 11,000,000 + 20(500,000) = 21,000,000
600,000 11,000,000 + 20(600,000) = 23,000,000
700,000 11,000,000 + 20(700,000) = 25,000,000
2. Current System Expected Cost:
14,500,000 0.15 = 2,175,000
19,000,000 0.20 = 3,800,000
23,500,000 0.40 = 9,400,000
28,000,000 0.15 = 4,200,000
32,500,000 0.10 = 3,250,000
Partially Automated System Expected Cost:
15,500,000 0.15 = 2,325,000
19,000,000 0.20 = 3,800,000
22,500,000 0.40 = 9,000,000
26,000,000 0.15 = 3,900,000
29,500,000 0.10 = 2,950,000
Fully Automated System Expected Cost:
17,000,000 0.15 = 2,550,000
19,000,000 0.20 = 3,800,000
21,000,000 0.40 = 8,400,000
23,000,000 0.15 = 3,450,000
25,000,000 0.10 = 2,500,000
3. Hillmart should consider the impact of the different systems on its relationship with suppliers. The interface with Hillmart's system may require that suppliers also update their systems. This could cause some suppliers to raise the cost of their merchandise. It could force other suppliers to drop out of Hillmart's supply chain because the cost of the system change would be prohibitive. Hillmart may also want to consider other factors such as the reliability of different systems and the effect on employee morale if employees have to be laid off as it automates its systems.
Answer to Question 2