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Author Question: Describe the four process change strategies that are based on the three key dimensions: (1) the time ... (Read 27 times)


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Describe the four process change strategies that are based on the three key dimensions: (1) the time frame of the change, (2) the support level of the organization culture, and (3) the degree of discontinuity with the environment.
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Question 2

Discuss the resource dependence theory.
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Answer to Question 1

(1) Participative evolution - incremental change strategy achieved by collaboration, support and participation of organization members. Adjustments are minor, change in environment is anticipated and sufficient time is available.
(2) Charismatic transformation - accomplishes radical change in short time with support of organization culture.
(3) Forced evolution - used to make minor adjustments without support of the organization culture over a longer time frame.
(4) Dictatorial transformation - used in times of crisis when radical change is necessary for the organization's survival. There's no support from within the organization and no time for extensive participation from members.

Answer to Question 2

According to resource dependence theory, the goal of an organization is to minimize its dependence on other organizations for the supply of scarce resources in its environment and to find ways to influence them to secure needed resources. Thus an organization must simultaneously manage two aspects of its resource dependence: (1 ) It has to exert influence over other organizations so it can obtain resources, and (2 ) it must respond to the needs and demands of the other organizations in its environment.

The strength of one organization's dependence on another for a particular resource is a function of two factors. The first one is how vital the resource is to the organization's survival. The other factor is the extent to which other organizations control the resource.


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Reply 2 on: Jul 7, 2018


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