Answer to Question 1
1, 2, 5
Explanation: 1. Identification of the problem is essential. Sometimes this intervention can stop beginning abuse.
2. It is important for nurses to understand more about the physician's role and role strain and for physicians to understand more about the nurse's role and role strain.
3. The leader of this group should be the same as the participants. If the sessions are held jointly, there should be both a nurse and a physician as leaders.
4. This is not a good solution to the problem. If the nurse is innocent in the situation, the behavior will not stop. If the nurse is not innocent in the situation, the behavior is likely to continue at the next job.
5. Educating and setting clear expectations is essential. Reporting guidelines are also important.
Answer to Question 2
1, 2, 3, 4
Explanation: 1. Joining nursing organizations, contacting legislators, acting as a patient advocate, and using the Internet are all ways the nurse can be involved in healthcare policy development.
2. Joining nursing organizations, contacting legislators, acting as a patient advocate, and using the Internet are all ways the nurse can be involved in healthcare policy development.
3. Joining nursing organizations, contacting legislators, acting as a patient advocate, and using the Internet are all ways the nurse can be involved in healthcare policy development.
4. Joining nursing organizations, contacting legislators, acting as a patient advocate, and using the Internet are all ways the nurse can be involved in healthcare policy development.
5. While this is considered service to the institution, it is not as likely to impact healthcare policy on a state or national level.