Testing of a new instrument demonstrates that it has a high degree of internal consistency. What does this indicate to the nurse researcher?
a. The instrument is appropriate to use to measure a single concept.
b. The instrument has low measurement error and high error variance.
c. More refinement of the instrument is necessary before it can be applied.
d. The instrument is valid, but the reliability has yet to be determined.
Question 2
In testing an instrument consisting of 25 items for homogeneity using the item-to-total correlation, 8 items were found to have a low correlation to the total.
The nurse researcher interprets this information to mean that the researcher should do what?
a. Use the instrument without changes.
b. Use the instrument only with a multitrait-multimethod approach.
c. Retain the 8 items with low correlation and delete the other 17 items.
d. Delete the 8 items with low correlation and retain the other 17 items.