A home care nurse was discussing her day with a nursing colleague who worked in acute care at the nearby metropolitan hospital. You have it easy, said the home care nurse. You never have to . . . . Complete the home care nurse's sentence accurately.
a. Remember to take exactly what you need with you on the visit.
b. Spend hours every day documenting everything you did.
c. Worry about whether your client will recover.
d. Worry about who is going to pay for services or the rules of that payer.
Question 2
An infant has been born with several congenital anomalies and is ventilator dependent. The nurse discusses options for home care services with the infant's parents. Why is home care considered in this situation?
a. Children at home have fewer infections and more consistent development.
b. Parents vastly prefer home care so that they can care for their child continuously.
c. It is easier for family members to visit the child at home rather than in the hospital.
d. There is better reimbursement for services provided in the home setting.