Which of these best explains the benefits of nuclear power?
a. It is cheap and produces little pollution.
b. The supply of nuclear power can be made stable, and international politics will not affect the supply, since the system does not rely on external resources.
c. The storage of radioactive waste is relatively easy to achieve.
d. It is cheap and produces little pollution, the supply of nuclear power can be made stable, and international politics will not affect the supply, since the system does not rely on external resources.
e. It is cheap and produces little pollution; the supply of nuclear power can be made stable; international politics will not affect the supply, since the system does not rely on external resources; and the storage of radioactive waste is relatively easy to achieve.
Question 2
Which of these is a major problem associated with nuclear power?
a. It is a very dirty energy, throwing hydrocarbons into the air, and there is a potential that a meltdown would release radioactivity into the air.
b. There is a potential that a meltdown would release radioactivity into the air, and sources of nuclear fuel are, for the most part, only available in other nations.
c. Sources of nuclear fuel are, for the most part, only available in other nations, and disposing of the radioactive waste by-products is difficult politically.
d. It is a very dirty energy, throwing hydrocarbons into the air, and sources of nuclear fuel are, for the most part, only available in other nations.
e. There is a potential that a meltdown would release radioactivity into the air, and disposing of the radioactive waste by-products is difficult politically.