Which one of the following best illustrates collective self-efficacy of teachers?
a. The teachers at West Middle School confer weekly about students who they believe are at risk for academic failure, and they are confident that by working together, they can help these students be successful at school.
b. The teachers at South Elementary School have coordinated what they do at each grade level so that at any particular grade, students master the knowledge and skills they will need in the following grade.
c. The English teachers at East High School have agreed on how they will teach the required freshman English class. That way, students will have a similar classroom experience no matter which teacher they have for the course.
d. A third-grade teacher and a fourth-grade teacher at North Elementary School have combined their two classes into a single, larger class. Sometimes they team-teach the entire group. At other times they divide the class into two smaller groups, one of which is ready for more advanced work than the other.
Question 2
Ms. Michaels is teaching a class on theories of learning and wants her students to be ableto connect the theories to the real world as well as understand their importance in the real world. She gives her students the following assignment. Small groups of students select a topic from a learning theory (e.g., operant conditioning, observational learning, or the development of memory strategies) and interview or observe two learners in the real world. Students are responsible for filming their observations and interviews and explaining, in an introduction to their film both (1) the concept they are going to discuss and (2) how their filmed examples illustrate the concept in the real world. Which teaching approach below best typifies Ms Michael's teaching strategy?
a. Discovery learning
b. Inquiry learning
c. Pedagogical learning
d. Visual integration learning