Each item below is a plan for a paragraph. The details are not in the correct order. Select the letter of the answer that numbers the details in the proper sequence
Disney World and other hugely successful theme parks evolved over time from agricultural
_____ From local fairs came the idea for the permanent amusement park, such as Vauxhall
Gardens in England, created in the 1600s.
_____ Occasional agricultural fairs, which have been around for thousands of years, brought
people together for games, rides, sports events, and musical entertainment.
_____ In California in July 1955, Walt Disney became the father of theme parks when he
opened Disneyland, which blended the thrills of amusement park rides with educational
and entertainment features of fairs.
_____ Beginning in 1895, America's Coney Island in Brooklyn, New Yorkwith its rides like
the Ferris Wheel and attractions like an aquariumtook amusement parks to a new level.
A) 2, 1, 4, 3 B) 3, 4, 1, 2 C) 1, 2, 3, 4
Question 2
Each item below is a plan for a paragraph. The details are not in the correct order. Select the letter of the answer that numbers the details in the proper sequence
Earth is a sphere composed of four distinct layers.
_____ At the Earth's center is the inner core, which is made of hot, solid metals.
_____ Just beneath the crust is the mantle, an 1,800-mile-thick, semi-solid layer that flows,
boils, and sometimes spills out from volcanoes.
_____ The part that we see and live on is the Earth's crust, the outer, rocky layer that averages
22 miles deep.
_____ Below the mantle is the 1,400-mile-thick outer core, which is made up of liquid metals
that are as hot as our Sun.
A) 1, 2, 4, 3 B) 4, 2, 1, 3 C) 1, 3, 4, 2