Slave archaeology at Jefferson's Monticello plantation in Virginia has helped interpret historical records from the time. For instance, written records document that Jefferson moved Critta Hemings (part of his house staff) from a large house with a brick floor, a stone fireplace, and architectural embellishments, to a small simple house with dirt floors. Yet she remained a part of his house staff, a normally favored status. Slave quarter excavations showed
a. that Hemings was demoted; she and her family were forced to move from the large house where only they lived to much smaller quarters which they had to share with several other families.
b. that the move actually provided Hemings and her family with access to subfloor pits in which they could store their possessions, helping them maintain some privacy and security.
c. that the move actually allowed Hemings and her family to have a house of their own, rather than sharing a household with other families.
d. Hemings never actually moved; she and her family remained in her large house in spite of Jefferson's demands.
e. Hemings never lived at Monticello.
Question 2
Which of the following is not true of Thomas Jefferson?
a. He was the third president of the United States, as well as an architect, inventor, scholar, diplomat, and archaeologist.
b. He had a slave force numbering 200 people at times, and he knew that without slavery the agrarian economy of the time would collapse.
c. He probably fathered six children with one of his house slaves, Sally Hemings.
d. He had one main feeling about slavery: as preeminently not brutal or immoral.
e. Reportedly, he did not mistreat his slaves.