Answer to Question 1ANS:The
process involves the flushing of embryos from the reproductive tract of desirable donor cows and
implanting them into other cows that may be of lower quality.
PTS: 1
9. What are at least three advantages of embryo transfer?
should include at least three of the following: production of many more offspring from
desirable cows than would be possible if they had to carry each embryo to term before producing
another; transfer of desirable genetic traints of donor cows carried in lower-quality host cows; proving
productivity of dams and sires more quickly; extending productive life of injured female who can no
longer carry offspring to term; development of ability to import and export desirable traits with
embryos when animals cannot be imported or exported due to disease; developing faster genetic
improvement in the herd.
Answer to Question 2ANS:Answers
will vary, but should include four of the following: Indentifying genetic markers for cattle
and swine to improve breeding; identifying the gene that determines the horned condition in cattle;
reducing undesirable side effects of vaccines; developing bacteria for use with non-ruminants;
modifying rumen microorganisms; developing vaccines for controlling foot-and-mouth disease,
bluetongue, and swine dysentery; manufacturing bovine interferon to control shipping fever;
increasing the rate of twinning in cattle; improving resistance to internal parasites; accelerating growth
rates in response to specific feed additive; developing a feed additive that activates the uterine gene;
developing the ability to screen progeny; producing the hormone relaxin for use as a therapeutic agent;
or making a commercially produced scours vaccine.
Answer to Question 3ANS:They
concluded that it is safe for human consumption.