Answer to Question 1
After identifying an area of interest or clinical problem, the steps of the research process are as follows: Develop research question(s)/hypotheses; determine how the study will be conducted; conduct the study; and analyze results of the study.
Answer to Question 2
Confidentiality guarantees that any information the subject provides will not be reported in any manner that identifies the subject and will not be accessible to people outside the research team. Biases are opinions that may influence the results of research. Informed consent means that research subjects (1) are given full and complete information about the purpose of the study, procedures, data collection, potential harm and benefits, and alternative methods of treatment; (2) are capable of fully understanding the research; (3) have the power to voluntarily consent or decline participation; and (4) understand how confidentiality or anonymity is maintained. The research process is a broader concept that provides an orderly series of steps that allow the researcher to move from asking a question to finding the answer.