Answer to Question 1
ANS: 3
Components of the human personality develop through Freud's developmental stages. Freud be-lieved that the functions of these components regulate behavior. These components are the id, the ego, and the superego. The superego performs regulating, restraining, and prohibiting actions. Often referred to as the conscience, the superego is influenced by the standards of outside social forces (i.e., the law). The ego represents the reality component mediating conflicts between the environment and the forces of the id. The ego helps us judge reality accurately, regulate impulses, and make good decisions.
Answer to Question 2
ANS: 1
Understanding normal growth and development helps nurses predict, prevent, and detect any deviations from clients' normal expected patterns. While being familiar with the characteristics of the various stages of human growth and development and being able to apply that knowledge to the individual client do have a positive impact on determining the most appropriate nursing in-terventions, the primary purpose is to predict, prevent, and detect any deviations from the client's normal expected patterns. Although being familiar with the characteristics of the various stages of human growth and development and being able to apply that knowledge to the individual cli-ent do have a positive impact on identifying age-appropriate needs, the primary purpose is to predict, prevent, and detect any deviations from the client's normal expected patterns. While be-ing familiar with the characteristics of the various stages of human growth and development and being able to apply that knowledge to the individual client do have a positive impact on the nurse's ability to communicate with the client in an appropriate manner, the primary purpose is to predict, prevent, and detect any deviations from the client's normal expected patterns.