Answer to Question 1
Health protection includes intentional behaviors aimed at circumventing illness, detecting it early, and maintaining the best possible level of mental and physiologic function within the boundaries of illness. Health promotion is behavior motivated by the desire to increase well-being and optimize health status. Maslow considered self-actualization the highest level of optimal functioning and involves the integration of cognition, consciousness, and physiologic utility in a single entity. In later years, Maslow described a level above self-actualization called self-transcendence. He refers to self-transcendence as a peak experience, in which analysis of reality or thought changes a person's view of the world and his or her position in the greater structure of life.
Answer to Question 2
The Health Belief Model was developed by psychologists Hochbaum, Rosenstock, and Kegels. It explores how patients' attitudes and beliefs predict health behavior. Maslow's hierarchy of needs describes the relationships between the basic requirements for survival and the desires that drive personal growth and development. The model is most often presented as a pyramid consisting of five levels. The lowest level is related to physiologic needs, and the uppermost level is associated with self-actualization needs, specifically those related to purpose and identity. Holistic Health Models in nursing care are based on the philosophy that a synergistic relationship exists between the body and the environment. Holistic care is an approach to applying healing therapies. Holistic models focus on the interrelatedness of body and mind. The Health Promotion Model, developed by Pender and colleagues, defines health as a positive, dynamic state of well-being rather than the absence of disease in the physiologic state.