Answer to Question 1
Correct Answer: 1,2,3,5
Rationale 1: Environmental questions are valid questions to ask during a holistic assessment.
Rationale 2: This question helps to determine the length of time alcohol has been a problem for this client.
Rationale 3: Participation in Alcoholic Anonymous assesses nonpharmacologic measures the client may have pursued and is relevant to a holistic assessment.
Rationale 4: This question is asking about medical treatment, which is not holistic in nature.
Rationale 5: Biologic questions are valid questions to ask during a holistic assessment.
Global Rationale: Environmental questions are valid questions to ask during a holistic assessment. Asking the age when drinking began helps to determine the length of time alcohol has been a problem for this client. Participation in Alcoholic Anonymous assesses nonpharmacologic measures the client may have pursued and is relevant to a holistic assessment. Biologic questions are valid questions to ask during a holistic assessment. Asking about medical treatment is not holistic in nature.
Answer to Question 2
Correct Answer: 2
Rationale 1: A penicillin allergy would not cause the nurse question this medication order.
Rationale 2: African-American clients may not be able to metabolize this mediation effectively because of the slow acetylation that is can occur when taking sulfa based medications. This can increase the risk of toxicity. The nurse should question this medication order.
Rationale 3: A history of hypertension would not cause the nurse to question this medication order.
Rationale 4: CYP2D6 does not impact sulfa medications and would not cause the nurse to question this medication order.
Global Rationale: African-American clients may not be able to metabolize this mediation effectively because of the slow acetylation that is can occur when taking sulfa based medications. This can increase the risk of toxicity. The nurse should question this medication order. A penicillin allergy would not cause the nurse question this medication order. A history of hypertension would not cause the nurse to question this medication order. CYP2D6 does not impact sulfa medications and would not cause the nurse to question this medication order.