After graduating from the St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music, this composer was appointed professor of harmony
and musical composition at the newly formed Moscow Conservatory. Before long, however, two patronsawealthy,
music-loving widow and the tsar of Russiaprovidedhim with a steady income and this secure financial backing allowed
him to travel extensively in Europe and America.
a. Dvok
b. Tchaikovsky
c. Liszt
d. Verdi
e. Musorgsky
Question 2Identify the statement that does not apply to the Symphoniefantastiqu
a. the composers frustrated love for Harriett Smithson was the impetus for the program
b. all the movements are unified by a common theme known as the ide fixe
c. the fifth movement treats the Dies irae theme in a sacrilegious manner
d. the symphony is Berliozs most celebrated composition
e. the score required an orchestra of such size that the composition was not performed until twenty years after the
composers death