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Author Question: According to the discussion of the representativeness heuristic in Chapter 12, people often commit ... (Read 29 times)

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According to the discussion of the representativeness heuristic in Chapter 12, people often commit the small-sample fallacy in social situations. An example of this point is that
  a. people may form a stereotype, based on only a few members of a particular ethnic group.
  b. people frequently try to confirm their current hypothesis.
  c. people judge others in terms of personal characteristics that are easy to remember.
  d. people judge the conjunction of two events to be more likely than just one of those events.

Question 2

One reason that decision makers often use the representativeness heuristic inappropriately is that
  a. they pay too much attention to the base rate.
  b. they do not pay enough attention to sample size.
  c. their decisions are influenced too greatly by a large sample size.
  d. they estimate frequency in terms of how easily they can think of examples that have a particular characteristic.

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Answer to Question 1

Ans: a

Answer to Question 2

Ans: b

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Reply 2 on: Jun 20, 2018
Thanks for the timely response, appreciate it


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Reply 3 on: Yesterday


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