Author Question: In the parallel distributed processing approach, the concept called spontaneous generalization means ... (Read 46 times)


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In the parallel distributed processing approach, the concept called spontaneous generalization means that
  a. the connection weights determine the level of activation that is passed between the nodes in a network.
  b. we make generalizations, based on a fairly large number of exemplars.
  c. we can use individual cases to draw conclusions about some general information.
  d. experts store information in nodes, whereas novices store them in individual neurons.

Question 2

One of the major ideas behind the parallel distributed processing approach to memory is that
  a. if one piece of information is missing, we cannot continue to perform the task.
  b. our memory for individuals is stored in terms of a hierarchy, from the most general to the most specific information.
  c. we can show spontaneous generalization, figuring out information about a group of people, based on information about the individual members of that group.
  d. general knowledge is stored in sensory memory and working memory, rather than in long-term memory.


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Answer to Question 1

Ans: c

Answer to Question 2

Ans: c

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