Salma, the 18-year-old daughter of Iranian immigrant parents, comes to counseling soon after graduating from high school. Salma has lived in the United States since the age of seven and considers herself acculturated.. Salma is struggling currently with her sense of identity as a young adult, reporting some symptoms of depression. She is ready to embrace the world and venture out on her own, but is coming up against her parents' wishes that she remain living at home, work to contribute to the family, and attend the local university. Which of the following goals would be LEAST appropriate for an existential counselor to suggest for Salma in the early phase of therapy?
a. Increasing Salma's sense of meaning and purpose in her life with her family to decrease symptoms of depression.
b. Developing Salma's sense of identity so it is less dependent on her parent's expectations.
c. Increasing Salma's ability to identify significant sources of purpose and life meaning to reduce depression symptoms.
d. Increasing Salma's capacity to tolerate existential angst to reduce identity crisis.
Question 2
Which of the following is true of comparative research framework?
a. It is a research strategy to compare members of diverse groups with the Black population on various psychological variables.
b. The results obtained are more informative than studying psychological constructs of various groups in and of themselves.
c. It has been criticized because of the history of ethnic minority groups being compared to White Americans as a norm group.
d. The use of this framework ensures that results are apolitical and free of bias.