Answer to Question 1
Answer to Question 2
Web applications and application software programs are usually multipurpose programs. Users can purchase application software from a software vendor, retail store, or Web-based business. Users typically install purchased application software on a computer before they run it. There are advantages and disadvantages to using installed software. Advantages include faster processing time because the application is on your computer and access to the program even when Internet access is not available. Disadvantages include disk space is required on your computer to store the software and it can be costly to upgrade as vendors release new versions. As an alternative, some users opt to access Web applications described earlier. With Web applications, users pay a fee to use the application via the Internet but it is not installed locally. Today, virtually all mobile device users download and use apps on their smartphones, tablet computers, and other mobile devices. An app, also called a mobile app, is a program you can download and use primarily on your mobile device. Apps often are single purpose programs, such as a weather app, a coupon app, and so on. There are thousands of apps available to meet your needs and all can be purchased and downloaded via your computer, smartphone, or mobile device.
Apple created and marketed the concept of an app as a free or 15 unit and offered apps for download from their App Store. What Apple did for apps is similar to what they did for music (i.e., iTunes) they made single purpose software programs available at their user-friendly App Store. Today, over 1,000,000 apps are available from Apples App Store for use on iPads, iPhones, and the iPod Touch. Hundreds of thousands of additional apps are available from other vendor apps stores for smartphones and tablet computers.
While apps, Web applications, and application software programs are all computer programs that help users accomplish a task, apps are generally single purpose programs whereas Web applications and application software programs are usually multipurpose programs.