Imagine that you are looking at a bronze cast depicting the face of Mick Jagger and a second cast showing the face of Casper the Ghost. Which of the following statements would be true of the spatial frequencies represented in these casts?
A) Mick's face contains mostly low-frequency elements.
B) Mick's face contains many high-frequency elements.
C) Casper's face would be an example of an image made fuzzy because it lacks low-frequency information.
D) Casper's face contains much higher frequency information.
E) Mick's wrinkles represent low-frequency features.
Question 2
Which of the following is true of striate cortex (ST)?
A) ST is comprised of four layers.
B) ST is located within the temporal lobe.
C) ST is comprised of six layers.
D) ST is comprised of axons but not cell bodies.
E) ST is devoted to analysis of auditory information.