Answer 1
Answer: A
Answer 2
Answer: The ideal answer should include:
a. The Federalists and the Republicans had conflicting goals, which led to different policies.
b. The Federalists used their control of Congress to push through a bill establishing the Bank of the United States despite Republican opposition.
c. The Republicans rallied enough support to reject the Federalist proposal for government subsidies for manufacturing industries.
d. The Federalists pushed through the Alien and Sedition Acts in an attempt to silence their Republican critics.
e. The Republicans passed the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions to challenge the constitutionality of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
f. Federalist support for war against France resulted in an undeclared naval war with France.
g. Republican opposition to the war pressured Adams to withdraw the United States from the war.
Answer 3
Answer: The ideal answer should include:
a. Both wanted to avoid the factionalism of party politics, which they thought weakened the British political system.
b. Both idealized the role of civic virtue in public service, but both succumbed to political self-interest.
c. The Federalists wanted to expand the role of the government in the economy.
d. The Republicans wanted to limit the role of the government in the economy.
e. The Federalists wanted to promote business and manufacturing interests.
f. The Republicans wanted to protect the interests of small farmers.
Answer 4
Answer: The ideal answer should include:
a. Representing the Republicans, Thomas Jefferson supported the cause of the French revolutionaries.
b. The French Revolutions slogan of liberty, equality, and fraternity was similar to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.
c. Representing the Federalists, Alexander Hamilton condemned the French Revolution as encouraging mob rule.
d. Hamilton predicted chaos in France, which would threaten U.S. interests.
Answer 5
Answer: A