Question 1
As land speculation went out of control in 1836, Jackson adopted the Specie Circular, which required that __________.
A) settlers who could not afford to purchase land from the government could get easy terms of
credit from state banks
B) all land purchases from the government be paid with hard currency backed by gold and silver
C) the government stop selling land to speculators
D) all sales of federal land be done through bank notes
Question 2
In the cartoon The Times, Andrew Jackson's hat, glasses, and clay pipe superimposed over the sun symbolize Jackson's __________.
A) benevolence toward the nation
B) responsibility for the Panic of 1837
C) vision for ending the economic crisis
D) actions that made America glorious again
Question 3
What trait associated with Andrew Jackson does the satirist use to describe him in the cartoon King Andrew the First?
A) regal
B) democratic
C) tyrannical
D) patriotic
Question 4
What was the main reason why some of the bystanders, such as Mother Bank on the left and the frontiersman on the right, were included in the lithograph Set To Between Old Hickory and Bully Nick?
A) to show that boxing was a popular spectator sport in 1830s America
B) to contrast Jacksonian democracy with the aristocratic bank
C) to highlight the fact that alcoholic beverages were popular with all social groups
D) to represent the interests of the East and West
Question 5
Why did Jackson's Bank Veto Speech appeal to the more humble members of society?
A) He portrayed the Bank as a tool of those who used their wealth and influence to gain unfair
B) He condemned the Bank for not being cautious when lending money.
C) He advocated a combatively radical approach similar to the Workies' approach in dealing
with the Bank.
D) He charged Henry Clay as being a corrupt agent under the Bank's power.