Author Question: A rat is placed in a cage and given electrical shocks over which it has no control. When placed in a ... (Read 121 times)


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A rat is placed in a cage and given electrical shocks over which it has no control. When placed in a shuttle box, the rat does not attempt to escape the shock due to
  a. social learning.
 b. learned helplessness.
  c. unconscious learning.
  d. one angry rat.

Question 2

Learned helplessness is demonstrated in laboratory animals by
  a. creating aversive stimuli (such as electrical shocks to the foot) that the animal can control.
  b. creating aversive stimuli (such as electrical shocks to the foot) that the animal cannot control.
  c. creating pleasant stimuli (such as a food pellet) that the animal cannot control.
 d. creating pleasant stimuli (such as a food pellet) that the animal can control.


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Answer to Question 2


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