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Author Question: What is an appropriate stepwise synthesis for the reaction shown? (Read 35 times)


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Question 1

What is an appropriate stepwise synthesis for the reaction shown?

◦ 1. HBr; 2. followed by H2O

◦ 1. mCPBA; 2. followed by H2O

◦ 1. mCPBA; 2. followed by H2O

◦ 1. PCC; 2. followed by H2O
◦ 1. PCC; 2. followed by H2O

Question 2

What is an appropriate stepwise synthesis for the reaction shown?

◦ 1. BH3-THF followed by H2O2; 2.. NaH; 3. CH3I
◦ 1. BH3-THF followed by H2O2/NaOH/H2O; 2. CH3CH2I
◦ 1. Br2 followed by H2O2/NaOH/H2O; 2. NaH; 3. CH3CH2I
◦ 1. BH3-THF followed by H2O2/NaOH/H2O; 2. NaH; 3. CH3CH2I
◦ 1. HBr; 2. NaH; 3. CH3CH2I

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Marked as best answer by abcdef9106 on Feb 17, 2022


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Only 39% of students answer this correctly


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Reply 2 on: Feb 17, 2022
YES! Correct, THANKS for helping me on my review


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