Answer to Question 1
The introduction section in a business report tells the reader why the report was written, what
the scope of the report is, and how the data were gathered.
a) Statement of purpose: First, the writer should state the problem that the report addresses.
Next, the writer should list the objectives of the report. The purpose of the report is the reason
it is being written. Why is the report being written? The answer to this question should appear
in the introduction of the report.
b) Scope or limitations: A brief statement of the investigation's scope may be included in the
introduction, including limitations. The scope of a report determines the extensiveness of the
research; that is, the scope specifies boundaries that keep the research within reason.
c) Procedures: The introductory section of the report should describe the research procedures.
Procedures are the methods that were used to collect and analyze the data.
Answer to Question 2
To make a wise decision about the form your written report should take, you must be familiar
with the different types of presentations and their uses. Three basic forms of presentation are
used in reports: paragraph form, outline form, and table form.
a) Paragraph form: The paragraph form is often used for the presentation of simple facts.
b) Outline form: The outline form uses the format of an outline to list information.
c) Table form: In some cases, a table is the most effective way to present information. The
table form uses a systematic arrangement of data, usually in rows and columns for ready
reference. The advantage of a tabulated presentation is that the reader can easily see the total
situation at a glance without wading through a great many words. The decision to tabulate
should be influenced by the amount and the kind of information to be included as well as by
the uses to which the information is likely to be put. Most office suites providing word
processing software also have a table feature that makes tables easier to set up. This table
feature will make the information neat and more readable.