Author Question: Which of the following sentences uses the prepositions of and off correctly? A. Louisa told her ... (Read 25 times)


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Which of the following sentences uses the prepositions of and off correctly?
  A. Louisa told her dog to get off the couch immediately.
  B. David couldn't think off another idea.
  C. Lee and Scott were tired off their schedules.
  D. Walker wanted to get of the steep slope but couldn't do it.

Question 2

Which of the following sentences uses the prepositions between or among correctly?
  A. An organization divided the financial resources between its four departments.
  B. The work load was divided between six team members working in the organization.
  C. A winning team had to divide its prize money among eleven players.
  D. There was a huge difference of opinion among Ralph and Lex.


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Answer to Question 1

The sentence that uses preposition correctly is Louisa told her dog to get off the couch
immediately. The preposition off is used with persons only when something on the person is
physically being lifted away.

Answer to Question 2

The sentence that uses preposition correctly is A winning team had to divide its prize money
among eleven players. With regard to commonly confused prepositions, the rule is to use
between when referring to two persons, places, or things, and use among when referring to
three or more.

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