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Author Question: Was the IAM able to prove that it had an independent rational basis supporting its decision to deny ... (Read 146 times)


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Was the IAM able to prove that it had an independent rational basis supporting its decision to deny the plaintiffs Eastern seniority, in that they had resigned from Eastern prior to being hired by Trump Shuttle?

Question 2

Bob, a mechanic, claims that Cathy owes him 1,500 on a repair job. Bob wants to assign his claim to Hardknuckle Bank. The likeliest reason that Bob wants to do this is
 a. Cathy also owes Hardknuckle Bank money.
  b. Hardknuckle Bank owes Bob money on a consumer claim.
  c. Hardknuckle Bank owes Bob money on a repair job.
  d. Bob owes Hardknuckle Bank money.
  e. Bob and Cathy are close friends.

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Answer to Question 1

No. The purported reason that the plaintiffs had resigned from Eastern was deemed pretextual in that the IAM had taken its position during the Eastern bankruptcy that the plaintiffs merely transferred to Trump. Substantial evidence supported the jury's determination that the real reason leading to the negotiated diminishment of seniority rights was the plaintiffs' association with AMFA, a rival union.

Answer to Question 2



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Reply 2 on: Jun 24, 2018


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Reply 3 on: Yesterday
YES! Correct, THANKS for helping me on my review


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