Answer to Question 1
Correct Answer: 1, 2
Examination of the male reproductive system will utilize the techniques of inspection and palpation. The external genitalia will be inspected as the onset of the examination. Palpation will be used to assess the organs. Percussion is utilized in the assessment of the gastrointestinal system and the respiratory system. Auscultation is used to assess the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Aspiration is a technique used to obtain a specimen.
Answer to Question 2
Correct Answer: 2, 3, 4
Testicular self-exam should be performed monthly beginning in adolescence. The scrotum will descend in a warm environment such as the bath or shower, allowing adequate palpation. Gentle pressure should be applied to locate the testicle and epididymis, but these areas are normally soft, without lumps or hardness. The client should not feel testicular discomfort. If discomfort is experienced, the client is likely pressing too hard during the exam.