Pubic lice (crabs) are usually spread through sexual contact. You cannot catch them by using a public toilet.
Bacteria have been found alive in a lake buried one half mile under ice in Antarctica.
Most strokes are caused when blood clots move to a blood vessel in the brain and block blood flow to that area. Thrombolytic therapy can be used to dissolve the clot quickly. If given within 3 hours of the first stroke symptoms, this therapy can help limit stroke damage and disability.
Signs of depression include feeling sad most of the time for 2 weeks or longer; loss of interest in things normally enjoyed; lack of energy; sleep and appetite disturbances; weight changes; feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, or worthlessness; an inability to make decisions; and thoughts of death and suicide.
By definition, when a medication is administered intravenously, its bioavailability is 100%.