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Author Question: The nurse is responding to phone calls. Whose call should the nurse return first? 1. A client at ... (Read 48 times)


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The nurse is responding to phone calls. Whose call should the nurse return first?
  1. A client at 37 weeks' gestation reports no fetal movement for 24 hours.
  2. A client at 29 weeks' gestation reports increased fetal movement.
  3. A client at 32 weeks' gestation reports decreased fetal movement X 2 days.
  4. A client at 35 weeks' gestation reports decreased fetal movement X 4 hours.

Question 2

The labor and delivery nurse is caring for a patient whose labor is being induced due to fetal death in utero at 35 weeks' gestation. In planning intrapartum care for this patient, which nursing diagnosis is most likely to be applied?
  1. Powerlessness
  2. Ineffective Elimination
  3. Effective Family Coping
  4. Energy Field Disturbance

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Answer to Question 1

Explanation: 1. Lack of fetal movement can be an indication of nonreassuring fetal status or even fetal death. This client is the highest priority.

Answer to Question 2

Rationale 1: Powerlessness is commonly experienced by families who face fetal loss.
Rationale 2: Ineffective elimination is not related to fetal loss.
Rationale 3: Ineffective family coping is more likely to occur than effective family coping.
Rationale 4: Energy field disturbance is not related to fetal loss.


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  • Posts: 519
Reply 2 on: Jun 27, 2018
YES! Correct, THANKS for helping me on my review


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  • Posts: 317
Reply 3 on: Yesterday
Thanks for the timely response, appreciate it


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