Author Question: The Country of Rhozundia is blessed with rich copper deposits. The cost of copper produced (relative ... (Read 107 times)


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The Country of Rhozundia is blessed with rich copper deposits. The cost of copper produced (relative to the cost of widgets produced) is therefore very low. From this information we know that
  A) Rhozundia has a comparative advantage in copper.
  B) Rhozundia should import copper and export widgets.
  C) Rhozundia should export both widgets and copper.
  D) Rhozundia should invest in more in widget production.
  E) Rhozundia may or may not have a comparative advantage in copper.

Question 2

Which industry was first covered by a free trade agreement between Canada and the United States?
  What will be an ideal response?


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Answer to Question 1


Answer to Question 2


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