Author Question: As a result of trade, specialization in the Ricardian model tends to be A) complete with constant ... (Read 45 times)


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As a result of trade, specialization in the Ricardian model tends to be
  A) complete with constant costs and with increasing costs.
  B) complete with constant costs and incomplete with increasing costs.
  C) incomplete with constant costs and complete with increasing costs.
  D) incomplete with constant costs and incomplete with increasing costs.
  E) dependent on the specific opportunity costs involved in production.

Question 2

Which of the following is NOT one of the major problems with expanding the EU?
  A) Expansion has become a more difficult task because of the unwillingness of the eastern and central European countries to change.
  B) The programs that target EU expenditures could be stretched thin by the addition of countries with much lower incomes.
  C) The governance structure of the EU had to be changed to avoid becoming unwieldy and ineffective.
  D) The EU may be faced with an unstable eastern border with huge worker migratory flows if the transition economies fail.
  E) Most central and eastern European countries have large agricultural sectors and extending subsidies to these countries would entail an enormous flow of funds given the Common Agricultural Policy.


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