Answer to Question 1
The most prevalent forms of familial power and authority are patriarchy, matriarchy,
and egalitarianism. A patriarchal family is a family structure in which authority is held
by the eldest male (usually the father). The male authority figure acts as head of the
household and holds power and authority over the women and children, as well as over
other males. A matriarchal family is a family structure in which authority is held by the
eldest female (usually the mother). In this case, the female authority figure acts as
head of the household. Although there has been a great deal of discussion about
matriarchal families, scholars have found no historical evidence to indicate that true
matriarchies ever existed. The most prevalent pattern of power and authority in
families is patriarchy. Across cultures, men are the primary (and often sole) decision
makers regarding domestic, economic, and social concerns facing the family. The
existence of patriarchy may give men a sense of power over their own lives, but it also
can create an atmosphere in which some men feel greater freedom to abuse women
and children. An egalitarian family is a family structure in which both partners share
power and authority equally. Recently, a trend toward more egalitarian relationships has
been evident in a number of countries as women have sought changes in their legal
status and increased educational and employment opportunities. Some degree of
economic independence makes it possible for women to delay marriage or to terminate
a problematic marriage.
Answer to Question 2