People raised in the 1940s faced the expectation that people would have about __________ children.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
Question 2
1) sex
2) gender
3) primary sex characteristics
4) secondary sex characteristics
5) traditional model of gender
6) patriarchy
7) minority group
8) sex typing
9) honor killing
10) suttee
11) feminism
12) female circumcision
13) gender tracking
14) glass ceiling
15) sexual harassment
A) the practice of burning the living widow with the body of the deceased husband
B) physical distinctions between males and females that are not directly connected to reproduction
C) people who are discriminated against on the basis of physical or cultural characteristics, regardless of their numbers
D) the abuse of one's position of authority to force unwanted sexual demands on someone
E) behaviors and attitudes that a society considers proper for its males and females; masculinity or femininity
F) the tendency for college degrees to follow gender-reinforcing male-female distinctions
G) a form of violence against females where a woman who is thought to have disgraced her family is killed by a male relative
H) another term for female genital cutting or clitoral excision
I) vagina, penis, and other organs related to reproduction
J) the mostly invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels of the workplace
K) a society or group in which men dominate women; authority vested in males
L) the association of certain activities with one sex or another
M) biological characteristics that distinguish females from males
N) the philosophy that men and women should be politically, economically, and socially equal
O) social expectations of men to have large muscles, endurance and stamina, victory, and achievement
Question 3
Donald Trump has __________ money.
a. red
b. gray
c. new
d. old