Author Question: What prevented an all-out attack on Western Europe by the Mongols in the early 13th Century? a. ... (Read 49 times)


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What prevented an all-out attack on Western Europe by the Mongols in the early 13th Century?
  a. Coalition of Islamic and Christian forces against the Mongols.
  b. Fire-lances and gunpowder.
 c. The death of Genghis Khan.
 d. Successful resistance by Muscovite Russia.
 e. The attractive positioning of Baghdad.

Question 2

All of the following about women's lives in China are true EXCEPT
  a. they were less desireable than male children.
  b. women who married had to move to their husband's joint families.
  c. they were permitted to enter civil service if they could pass the exam.
  d. after a transition, the bridge's family had to pay the groom a dowry.
  e. footbinding was done to enhance marriageability.


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