Answer to Question 1
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Incorrect. The elements of an effective motivational program are motivation, performance, outcomes, and satisfaction. Interpersonal relationships are not related to motivational programs, though they may contribute indirectly to job satisfaction.
B) Incorrect. Focus on productivity without a focus on satisfaction is ineffective. It may increase short-term productivity but in the long-term will cause increased absenteeism and employee turnover.
C) Incorrect. Managers who emphasize satisfaction to the exclusion of performance will be ineffective. They are seen as nice people, but their management style undermines the performance of their subordinates and may violate their duties to the employer.
D) Correct. Focus on productivity without a focus on satisfaction is ineffective. It may increase short-term productivity but in the long-term will cause increased absenteeism and employee turnover. On the other hand, managers who emphasize satisfaction to the exclusion of performance will be ineffective. They are seen as nice people, but their management style undermines the performance of their subordinates and may violate their duties to the employer.
Answer to Question 2
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Imposing management is characterized by an emphasis on performance while ignoring employee satisfaction. The question does not suggest that employee satisfaction was ignored, rather that it was indulged.
B) Incorrect. Ignoring management is characterized by an emphasis neither on performance nor satisfaction. The question does not suggest that employee satisfaction was ignored, rather that it was indulged.
C) Correct. Managers who emphasize satisfaction to the exclusion of performance will be ineffective. They are seen as nice people, but their management style undermines the performance of their subordinates and may violate their duties to the employer.
D) Incorrect. The integrating approach combines the positives of the indulging and imposing management styles to focus both on employee satisfaction and productivity. That performance has been flat suggests that integrating management has not been used.